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Looking for Mama - Northern Light from The Vault

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  • #16
    looks great saturnalia, the new crop should keep you going for a while. i've heard about the rhino on another forum, supposed to be a pretty potent strain, have you tried that kind before, i'd like to know more about that one?


    • #17
      Hi all. The cut plants are recovering very well and exhibiting some new growth. A couple of the leaves have rust spots and I'm going to make a post about that in the sick plants section.
      They all seem pretty perky though and am not unduly worried as yet. There's some definite favourites starting to form. Baby is biggest although I'm really liking Ginger who is thick and stout and looks quite sturdy. Will maybe post a picture of each in turn when I start to consider which one to choose for mama.
      One of them (I think it's Sporty) Is growing really lopsided. One big shoot and one wee one out of each node. You can see it here if you look closely.
      Click image for larger version

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Size:	90.8 KB
ID:	41005

      The clones seem OK too. I learnt a lesson yesterday. Went up to check them and where I hadn't properly cleaned the lollipop sticks with their names on them big fluffy lumps of mold had started to form. Removed the sticks and surrounding soil straight away and everything seems OK now. Will keep checking. It was very disheartening to see but I think I've caught it early enough. Here they all are. Happy and damp. 5 days after cutting.
      Click image for larger version

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ID:	41006


      • #18
        Hey everyone. Here's a wee update from my grow.
        First off. The clones haven't done so well. Just two of the NL babies made it. Funny because all the Blue Rhino ones did. Thinking about it now I maybe took them too early. Anyway, I got some rockwool cubes and I took some more. I soaked the cubes in a very week sea weed solution. They look OK so far. Too early for roots though. This is them after 3 or 4 days.
        Click image for larger version

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ID:	41076
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ID:	41078

        I'll make another post below about the donor plants as we are limited to how many pictures we can load........


        • #19
          Here's the bigger girls. I've been a bit rough with them. Put them in bigger pots, supercropped topped and trained. Going to leave them for a while now to fully recover and get back into their stride. They're dong OK though. The two right at the front are the Blue Rhino. The rest are the Northern Lights. Click image for larger version

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ID:	41080

          This one is my favourite so far. This is Ginger. She's short but nice and thick and bushy and robust. Click image for larger version

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ID:	41083

          Attached Files


          • #20
            There's only one thing that's given me cause for concern. It's the rusty spots that appeared on some of the leaves. I made a post about it in the sick plant section. None of the new growth has the spots so as more leaves form I am gradually removing the affected leaves.
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	41085
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ID:	41086

            Would appreciate some feedback.....


            • #21
              looking good there saturnalia, looks like your donor plants recovered great, i'm kind of afraid to crop mine, so i just use one of the bigger lower stems when i clone, when i learn the art of trimming i might give it a try next time.


              • #22
                How did I miss all this lovely diary? Looking great there saturnalia! I just finished setting up a new germination/clone closet to begin my aqua-ponics trials, the water is running and getting balanced for adding fish this week, once they get settled in, takes another week or so, I can start to introduce small seedlings. The fish tank is the large bin, the other three trays are grow trays or grow beds, depending on your mood. The goal here is for a DUAL root zone so I can add nutrients to the plants, but not have that get into the fish tank.... at least, that's plan A... I suspect I will kill some goldfish this winter with this setup:

                Click image for larger version

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ID:	41179


                • #23
                  Thanks for the feedback. The bigger girls could be flipped now but I need to see rooted clones first. They are very slow. Will take some more over the next couple of days.
                  The aquaponics set up is very interesting coconutisland. Would love to see more of that.


                  • #24
                    Hi All. Here's an update from the grow room.
                    Girls are really filling out. I'm starting to worry a bit about space. Anybody who read my posts about the mad haze throwback will know that the stretch has caught me out in the past. So I've took a few more cuttings and started to lollipop the girls ready for flowering. Will flip at the weekend. Hopefully these cuttings will take. If not then I will monster crop them at about 2 weeks. I have monster cropped before, and might do it anyway as it makes for very bushy plants that will be perfect for mamas. It just takes a while to revert them. We'll see how it goes.
                    Here's a picture of the girls filling out the tent.
                    Click image for larger version

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                    Here they are with the start of the lollipopping.
                    Click image for larger version

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                    • #25
                      OK. Flipped them a couple of days ago. I've left a couple of side shoots from the lollipopping which I will take in a week or two for the monstercrop. They should start their stretch any time now.
                      In the meantime. Here's a general view of the veg room.
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	41249

                      And these are the newest cuttings. Still looking quite pert and happy. Have gone back to root riot cubes. Not so sure about the Rockwool...
                      Click image for larger version

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Size:	78.1 KB
ID:	41250


                      • #26
                        I went back to jiffy cubes for rooting clones, seemed like I got better roots faster? I was getting them to root in the rockwool but it was taking almost a week longer and I lost a few more than with jiffy pots.

                        I was wondering how you were going to handle the sexing issue. I may take an early clone and flip it by itself and let the main plants go on, have to wait and see which seeds pop now that I have the germination room set up. I did put my clone box in the same room, tucked into the corner on a shelf... Not sure where I will be moving established plants right now. I have yet to figure out how I am going to transition 300 plants outdoors in an Aquaponics system... Last season, I ended up holding my hydroponics indoors a few extra weeks... guess I am going to have to spend some time scribbling on a calendar this week. Almost like office work, UGH!

                        Anyway, looking good, I would not sweat the rust spots on those early leaves, some of that could just be from the shock of taking cuttings and the plant taking up nutrients from those leaves unexpectedly... I run into that at times with my organic soil mix and young plants, bit too hot in the early stage but once the plants get going its fine... I end up taking most of those lower fan leaves off early on anyway myself. as long as its not spreading its probably too late to change what ever caused it anyway? My biggest problem when I start taking clones, is what to do with all the babies! I do not have near enough room to flower all the clones I take, I actually just let 20 die because I was ahead of the game with a good crop this summer, hopefully I will get a few nice females ready in time for next summer.

                        I love all the close ups you take of cropping/cutting, one of these days I will invest in ANOTHER new digital camera! Been through 6 so far... they are so small now, they seem to walk away on their own


                        • #27
                          I feel much more confident with the cubes. I was originally cloning in the main tent but I will be wanting to keep some veg going all the time. The plan is for the main tent to be permanently on 12/12 and the veg space can keep up a constant supply for it. The logical end point is to have a SOG system and add new plants every two weeks so that I am harvesting every two weeks. If I get to the point where I have too many clones then I have a network where I can swap and share them so that's all for the good.
                          The NL babes are all feminized and so far I have had 100% females from feminized seeds so no need to sex. The Blue Rhino are clones so I know they are girls.
                          Thanks for the feedback on the pics. It's just a really cheap shitty camera phone.
                          The girls are starting to stretch up a bit now and are in feisty looking form. More pics to follow.


                          • #28
                            Hi All
                            Here they are. Just over a week in and just starting to show wee white hairs. Look at all those heads. :-)
                            Click image for larger version

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Size:	115.1 KB
ID:	41399


                            • #29
                              Hi everyone. Here's an update. Almost 3 weeks in.
                              Here's a group shot of the girls. They're really filling out the space now. Could have done with a bit more lollipopping but I don't want to stress them too much right now so I'm only picking out new shoots at the lower nodes as they start to form. Am going to let the rest do their thing.
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	41532

                              Here's them from the side.
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	41533

                              And here's a flower starting to form.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Flower04.jpg
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Size:	150.8 KB
ID:	41534

                              Progress is still pretty slow on the clones. I should have waited longer before flipping but, as always, the need for weed got the better of me ;-)
                              There's still time for them all to come good yet though, and the worse case scenario is that I will still have new plants to replace these as soon as they're done, so things are looking good. Pics of the clones to follow this week.


                              • #30
                                Hi guys. Apologies for the long break. I ended up being pretty ill over the holidays. Not smoked anything for nearly two weeks now so will be brushing off the vaporizor soon. Every cloud has a silver lining eh ;-)
                                Things are going well in the grow tent. Girls are developing some nice spikes. I've been thinking about how we count the weeks of flowering. Should definitely start counting from when we see the first pistils rather than from the day of flipping. That makes these girls about 4 weeks in (6 from the flip). This makes much better sense to me and explains why my plants always take a week or two longer than stated by the seed banks.

                                Here is a shot of the whole tent.
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	41693

                                And here some closer shots of the flowers developing.
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	41692
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	41694
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Size:	123.9 KB
ID:	41695

                                Pics aren't coming out very well, but you get the picture.....

