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  • Sexing?

    This is not an answer or reply. Sorry, but I'm new to the site and have a question that I know someone out there can answer.

    It's very simple. It's almost time for sexing and I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how to sex my plants.

    I'm in NorCal (same climate as Mendo) and growing outdoors. I know this is a fairly simple procedure but one that my late husband always took care of.

    I apologize if I'm not using this Forum correctly. If I'm really blowing it, please tell me. I can take it. However, I hope someone answers my question instead.


  • #2
    A good question Susan. Thanks. I just moved your post to a relevant section.


    • #3
      Hi Susan
      It is actually quite simple. There's a guide to sexing your cannabis here, with photos, which should help.
      Basically you are looking for flowers that start to appear at the junctions where the branches join the main stem. The photos on the link will really help. The ones with little hairs sticking out are girls. The boys (funnily enough) have little balls on them.
      Exactly when this will happen will depend on the strain, your local climate and the weather you have been having. You can normally count on it being sometime mid july to mid august. During this period get out there and check your plants every few days.
      I'm not really familiar with NorCal but the basics are the same everywhere.
      Hope this helps a bit.


      • #4
        I have always had questions about sexing. Being as I'm in my first grow the recommended article was great. Definitely a must read for the first time grower.


          Editing a comment
          Hi, I offer a seedling DNA gender testing at $3/plant. Just put a leaf in a plastic bag and send it to me or call 858-344-0317. I also test seeds for gender.
          Happy Growing, Jim