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toping with a vacume

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  • toping with a vacume

    Ever done that - I have, was cleaning up and noticed nats - lots - so turned the vac on them. All was going good till I bent over and wup right up the tube went the top of a plant - pulled it out real quick but damn - no top and leaves were halved - guess I better pay more attention. By the way - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME - -hee hee - slo-han

  • #2
    @slo-han sorry about your mishap, i thought i was the only nutter outthere who done mad things like this lmao but alas you saved my face by doing something mad too. I actauly hoovered up aload of seeds the otherday i was gutted as they were put out too bag up and send out too folk but instead the hoover got hemped LMFAO Lollipop


    • #3
      Haha. Hey guys, I guess we've all fucked up somewhere along the lines, thinking we were being clever, but hopefully we learn from the experience. Then again after a few spliffs, probably not!!!


      • #4
        That's really not a bad idea getting rid of gnats, Slo. If you can keep the vacume hose off the plant and instead, sucking~up the first few inches of soil and replacing it with new, haha. Teach them little buggers to find a new place to cause heartache.
        Last edited by Blaze4daze; 04-26-2014, 09:36 PM.


        • #5
          Haha. You will have to wait and see the results. It might all turn out brilliantly and you've invented a great new technique! I won't be trying it though.
          Have you tried using garlic or soapy water for the nats? I found ti knocked them back a bit but never really totally got rid of them. I liked Lolipop's idea recently of topping off the soil with a couple of inches of perlite. Never tried it myself but it makes perfect sense.
          And Lolipop - if that was me the hoover bag would be opened on the floor while I dig out my seeds. I like the idea of them sprouting in the landfill, but not as much as I like the idea of them sprouting in a nice indoor growing environment!


          • #6
            I would think that after a ride up ant thru the makings of a vacuum that the seeds would be pretty damaged but strange things happen in this world - a bit on my "toping" method - they don't seem worse for wear - just a bit smaller he he - man I wish it would warm up I'm ready for outside activities - you know - carrying water around, stuff like that - slo


            • #7
              Seed casings are pretty tough and whether the hoover is a bag type or a Dyson type, the seeds should have been stopped by a soft filter. I would be searching for them.


              • #8
                lmao - I'm still looking for those seeds I got from herbies - I really wanted to try that cotton candy - still looking

